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U.K judge calls Heidi Schøne a liar

In his Administrative Court judgment of 2021 - see extracts below - Mr Justice Saini condemns the Norwegian Press for its blatant Islamophobia and in paragraph 65 calls Heidi Schøne a liar regarding her Press stories, when saying they were "far from the truth". Farid El Diwany had to wait 26 years for this vindication - as the bigot judge in Norway Agnar A. Nilsen Jr declared Ms Schøne to be telling the truth in her Press stories. Judge Agnar A. Nilsen Jr did not even allow cross-examination of libel defendant Heidi Schøne as she was too ill (conveniently). Her evidence could never be tested. What a Mickey Mouse joke of a hearing it was before Judge Agnar A. Nilsen Jr in 2003 in Drammen: an Islamophobe par excellence - 'Norway first, right or wrong'. Heidi Schøne, much abused by third parties in Norway in her adolescence (she claimed) became, in turn, an inveterate liar and abuser herself and her 21 front-page Muslim hate stories in the Norwegian Press from 1995-2006 surely encouraged Anders Breivik to hate Muslims even more than he did and to commit mass-murder on 22 July 2011. A much-reformed and God-conscious Heidi Schøne in April 2024 reached out to Farid El Diwany and - to a fair extent - expressed her deep regret at her past behaviour whereupon a forgiving Mr El Diwany reciprocated the affection, and the pair exchanged many messages and photos.

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